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When you are freed from demonization, you can feel relief in a variety of ways. After deliverance, you may experience immediate realizations or sensations. Obviously, if you have evil spirits expelled you’re going to be in an overall better condition since the function and mission of demons is to confuse, tempt, pressure, oppose, control, harass, afflict, defile, kill, and destroy people. Absolutely nothing good comes from satan’s kingdom.

If you have signs and symptoms of demonization, it wouldn’t hurt to pray for self deliverance or have someone pray deliverance for you. If you were involved in heavy drugs, witchcraft, the occult or New Age, etc., then I would say you likely have the indwelling of demons as such things are huge demonic door openers.

We have met people who were demonized for many years from their childhood, but never directly dealt with it because they were unaware that their issue(s) were attributed to demons. Some thought their issues were just normal (their personality) because they never experienced anything differently. But something like compulsive and/or irrational behavior, which is against the will of God or which constantly defeats the witness and integrity of Christians, is almost always evidence of either demonic harassment (external) or demonization (internal).

Among such “normal” and accepted issues may be fear, rage, anger, pride, confusion of the mind, extreme lust, homosexuality, bad temper, gluttony, depression, infirmity, inferiority complex, reoccurring nightmares, etc. Some were very skeptical about deliverance, but when they receive prayer for deliverance, the demons inside them manifested. They would be startled and astonished about the occurrence, and experience physical or psychological restoration, to some degree at least.

Sadly, many churches here in the U.S. neglect the practice of expelling demons when it was commonly practiced in the early church. One reason that may be is because, in our Western Culture, there is a prevalent belief that it is impossible for a Christian to be demonized. There have been people who have said in their doctrine, all the demons inside every person are automatically cast out once he/she becomes a Christian.Truthfully, that is not always the case.After what God started to reveal to my wife and I after my Transformation, I have NO doubt to come to the conclusion that Christians/Believers/ Holy Ghost filled, speaking in tongues individuals, CAN be demonized (NOT POSSESSED). And in many cases the demons need to be directly confronted and cast out.One of the biggest deceptions of the enemy, I believe, is the idea that a Christian can’t be demonized. The enemy can be very subtle and would rather operate in a person’s life underneath the surface undetected. That maybe another reason why deliverance is not commonly practice in a lot of churches here in our culture — they don’t discern the underlying issue with some people can be demonic.That said, deliverance is not the solution with everyone, it doesn’t mean all the problems in your life will disappear after demons are expelled. However, the vast majority of people do overall feel better, some drastically so. And it doesn’t mean a certain issue you have is attributed to demons. Discernment should be exercised. But again, it doesn’t hurt to receive prayer for deliverance, especially if you have any symptoms of demonization – you possibly have something to gain, but nothing to lose.

“Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me: O Lord, make haste to help me.” – Psalms 40:13
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” – Luke 10:19 “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils…” – Mark 16:17

Here's A List Of Benefits People Have Felt Or Experienced After They Have Been Delivered, Or Received Some Degree Of Deliverance.

(This Is Not An Exhaustive List Of Every Benefit)

A Little More Deliverance Info..

We put together a FREE Video Course where you can get more information on various topics like, Can a Christian Have Demons, How Do Demons Enter a Person, How Do You Get Rid of Demons, and much more!

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