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We’re MORE than just a Platform!
We help believers to live in their God given Authority and to truly take back what the enemy has stolen from them...

We created this space so that believers in the One True and Living God and His son, Jesus Christ, can freely express their faith, share insights, and support each other in their Kingdom walk. Our platform is a haven for those seeking a censorship-free environment to grow in Kingdom, Faith and Fellowship.

OCTOBER 21, 2021

On this day, I, Greg Morehead, had my encounter/Transformation with God. In one night, my mind was renewed and I received a mandate to not only break down Tradition as I knew it growing up in Church and to have believers experience their own relationship with God, but to also tear down Satan’s kingdom and put an end to my family AND other believers living under generational curses!


The Bible says in Mathew 18:20, For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. On the night of my Encounter, God intentionally had me wake up my wife (11:30pm) and we began warring in the Spirit against demons and principalities for 3 hours. (There’s a WHOLE lot more with what happened) After this Encounter, God spoke to me and said, the reason that I had you wake her up was because, you both are going to be a team to WAR against Satan’s kingdom!


Ever since October 21,2021, God has been using us to do exactly what he spoke on this night. Since then, we’ve been able to minister to people through 1on1’s, groups and at Church gatherings to help set them free through the power of Jesus Christ and break the strongholds that they’ve been living under and bring about supernatural healing. All of the credit goes to Jesus Christ for what he’s been doing through us.

Thy Kingdom Come was birthed out of the need to spread more of the "truth" about the Kingdom of God than what is being preached in most of the Modern Day Churches.
God has given us a mandate to break down traditionalism in churches across the world and to show Gods power, exercising our God given Authority tearing down the strongholds of the enemy!

Greg's Testimony

Shanah's Testimony

This Platform Will Effectively Minister to The "Un-Churched"

This goes 2ways.. To effectively minister and break strongholds in those that WERE brought up in Church/attending Church, but were never taught about their rights and Authority to break generational curses, AND to Manifest Gods power through us to Minister to those that do NOT know anything about God… The Bible states in Mathew 9:37-38, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. By the Grace of God, we will execute going through out all of the World and Ministering under the True Power and Authority of God to everyone that wants to hear AND be setfree!


1 Truth

We believe in the inspiration of Scripture, and that the Bible is authoritative. We recognize the one true God of the Bible as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in which he is the Godhead.

1 Road

Healing and Deliverance is available to ALL God's people who are believers in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. Deliverance is the Children's bread.


The gifts of the Spirit are still in operation for believers today, and are a vital part of the body of Christ!